Frequently Asked Questions

  • Not yet. The first opportunity to buy Solajai products will be through our Kickstarter which we plan to launch later in 2024. Visit the Our Launch page to learn more.

  • Yes! We know there are A LOT of claims out there, especially in the yoga industry, of "sustainable" or "eco-friendly" products. And, we guess everything is more sustainable than some other option out there. But our approach to sustainability is not just to get over a bar, but to set the bar as high as possible. Even with our very modest resources as a self-funded small business we have already achieved this goal with our Cambium Yoga Mat. Find out more on our blog.

  • No. Our Cambium Yoga Mat is just our first product. We have big plans to grow our product offerings with more innovative, natural, and super-sustainable designs.

  • Yes. While other yoga mats may use cork, ours use a higher quality cork, which combined with the unique quilted design, provides grip far superior to other cork mats. Our 3-layer design also includes an interior natural felt cushion which helps control moisture and is anti-fungal and anti-microbial. Our design is patent-pending.

  • Yes! Our mats are sustainable, but they also have excellent cushioning (they are offered in different thicknesses), excellent grip (wet or dry), are lightweight (40% lighter than traditional mats), odorless, durable, and have an amazing look and feel. We have over a year of real world testing with daily yoga practitioners. Our testers all agree - it's their favorite mat! And, the next generation is even better!